Information for the release 11.6 option file parameters
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Information for the release 11.6 option file parameters


Article ID: 17023


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Easytrieve Report Generator


Where in the documentation for explanations and information for the different option file parameters for Easytrieve release 11.6?


Easytrieve Report Generator, release 11.6


Please see this link:

The above link will provide information from our documentation will give you information on each of the CA Easytrieve option file parameters, separated into different categories:
Compiler Options -- General program compilation options. Includes listing options and compile-time debugging aids. 
Execution Options -- General program execution options. 
Environmental Options -- General environmental options. 
Sort Options -- Options that control how sort uses storage and sort messages.
SQL Options - Options that control SQL program compilation and execution.
IDMS Options - Options that control IDMS processing.

Report Options -- Options related to the Report Processing Facility. 
Mask Options -- Site-defined edit masks used for formatting numeric data. 
International Options -- Options that customize Easytrieve® for international use. Includes data and time display, currency symbol used, and decimal point character. 
Printer Profile Definitions -- Maintain the destinations to which Easytrieve® routes report and message output.