Email Submission add-in not visible after setup
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Email Submission add-in not visible after setup


Article ID: 170179


Updated On:


Email Email Threat Detection and Response


One or more users are reporting that the Outlook email submission add-in is not visible under the Outlook Ribbon.


  • Email
  • Outlook, 2013, 2016, OWA


  • The email submission add-in has not been enabled for all users or the individual user
  • The Exchange Web Services is not configured correctly



Ensure to enable the add-in for ALL users in Exchange Admin Center

The steps below apply to Office 365 Exchange Online, Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016

  1. Log in to Exchange Admin Center on-prem or Exchange Admin center in Office 365 Console.
  2. Click on Organization > Add-ins.
  3. Make sure that Symantec Email Submission is on the list of add-ins.
  4. To enable users to use the add-in, select Make this add-in available to users in your organization check box.
  • Optional, enabled by default. Use this setting if you want to allow your users to turn off the add-in.
  • Optional, disabled by default. Use this setting if you want to allow your users to turn on the add-in.
  • Mandatory, always enabled. Users can’t disable this add-in. Use this setting if you don’t want your users to turn off the add-in.

If the add-in is not visible on the list of add-ins, see Install Outlook Email Submission Add-in.

Check that the add-in is enabled for the user

The following steps apply to Outlook 2013, Outlook 2016, OWA.

  1. Open Outlook
  2. Click on File > Manage add-ins
  3. Make sure that Symantec Email Submission is on the list of add-ins and has a check mark under "Turned on" field.

If the add-in is not visible on the list of add-ins, see Install Outlook Email Submission Add-in.

Additional checks for On-Premise Exchange environments:

  1. Make sure that “OAuthAuthentication” is enabled for EWS (Exchange Web Services) virtual directory.  It can be verified by running the following command in Exchange Management Shell:
#>Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -Identity "EWS (Default Web Site)" | Select OAuthAuthentication | fl

Expected Output:

OAuthAuthentication : True 

The option OAuthAuthentication is enabled by default. For more information about enabling this option, see Set-WebServicesVirtualDirectory.                     

  1. Make sure that EWS Access is enabled for the users who are going to use the add-in. The following command can obtain the EWS related configuration:
#>Get-OrganizationConfig | Select EWS* | fl

By default, EWS is enabled for all users. The expected output for the default configuration is:

EwsAllowMacOutlook :
EwsApplicationAccessPolicy :
EwsEnabled : True

For more information about allowing EWS Access to users, see Controlling client application access to EWS in Exchange.

  1. Ensure the digital certificates used in EWS are signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) and not self-signed certificates (Certificates signed by the same entity whose identity it certifies).