Error: "The installer integrity check failed..." installing Endpoint Protection
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Error: "The installer integrity check failed..." installing Endpoint Protection


Article ID: 170150


Updated On: 10-04-2023


Endpoint Protection


You attempt to install the Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) client but the installation fails with error "The installer integrity check failed. Common causes for this failure include an incomplete download, damaged media, or problems with the Trusted Root certificate store.".

Both running the Sep.MSI and the Setup.exe produce the same error.

"The installer integrity check failed. Common causes for this failure include an incomplete download, damaged media, or problems with the Trusted Root certificate store."

Also, you may observe the following error in the Windows Event Log CAPI2 events:

"Error 0x80092026: The cryptographic operation failed due to a local security option setting."


  • Operating System: Windows Server 2008 R2
  • All the certificates are in order as per Article ID: 159317

During a review of the certificate details, the following error is displayed:

"The cryptographic operation failed due to a local security option setting"
(see attachment) 


  1. Open regedt32.exe or regedit.exe as an administrator and browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\TrustedPublisher
  2. As a precaution you should export the TrustedPublisher key and save it as a REG-file so that it may be restored at a later time.
  3. Under TrustedPublisher locate the Safer key and delete it.
  4. Install SEP



1696406285759__Certificate Information.png get_app