Modifying Reporter 10.x configuration (.cfg) files
Reporter 10.x configuration (.cfg) file modification feature is available with OS and later releases . This feature allows you to modify various configuration files. This feature is only available via command line interface (CLI) .
To modify configuration files first stop reporter service by using below CLI command under enable mode
# stop-reporter
To view the root directory of available configuration files that can be modified use below CLI command. Also instead of "." for the root directory you can type specific path here
# edit-settings list .
To edit specific configuration files apply the CLI command configure edit file_name. For example to edit preferences.cfg apply below CLI command
# edit-settings edit preferences.cfg
This will open up a vi editor (short for visual editor) is a screen editor which is similar to a Unix system. To learn the basic commands of a vi editor you can follow this link
For example if you want to disable TLS1.0 for Reporter management console you need to change tls_v1= "true" to tls_v1= "false" under preferences.cfg file
To commit this change on last modified cfg file, apply CLI command configure commit file_name. Keep in mind that this saves only the edits . To save the changes on preferences.cfg file apply below CLI command
# edit-settings commit preferences.cfg
If you are uncertain and want to back out the changes, enter configure cancel, which reverts the file to its previous state. Finally, start Reporter service to make the new changes in effect using below CLI command
# start-reporter
These changes are very sensitive and an incorrect .cfg file modification may fail to start Reporter 10.x service . If you are not sure of certain changes, consult with Broadcom Network Protection support.