A misconfiguration was sent down to all DLP agents to connect to the Endpoint server on port 8100. Port 8100 by default is what the Endpoint server uses to communicate with the Enforce server. This causes a major conflict in that the Endpoint server cannot communicate with the DLP agents because the server is still listening for clients on port 10443 and the agents want to communicate on 8100. Sending down a change configuration from Enforce for the Endpoint server to switch from 10443 to 8100 will cause the error "failed to bind address".
A change server task went down to agents and set them to communicate on port 8100.
There are two main methods to fix this issue. The first is to use a script to make changes on the affected agents. The second is to temporarily change the communication ports to allow the clients to communicate to the Endpoint server on port 8100 then change them back over to port 10443.
Method 1: Fixing the Agent communication port with a script
To use the update_configuration.exe go to KB Change a DLP agent from one Endpoint Server to another and follow the steps under the section "Method 2: Changing the endpoint server through script". Using this KB you can configure the Endpoint server and the communication port for the DLP Agent. This is the best method to use if there are a small number of agents affected or to clean up single agents after a large scale configuration change.
Method 2: Temporarily modify the communication ports of the Endpoint Server
Follow these steps to change the ports for the Endpoint <-> Enforce communication as well as the Endpoint <-> DLP Agent.
If there are any agents that did not get the server change configuration (step 16) with the new port then it is best to use method 1 and fix them with a script.