Finding the Active Directory Synchronization schedule in 8.x
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Finding the Active Directory Synchronization schedule in 8.x


Article ID: 169580


Updated On: 12-11-2024


IT Management Suite


You are configuring the Microsoft Active Directory Import rules, but you are not able to find the Active Directory Synchronization schedule at the bottom of the page as in previous versions before SMP 8.0.


ITMS 8.x


The IT Management Suite 8.0 HF1 release introduced a number of enhancements/improvements of the Microsoft Active Directory Import page including the following:

  1. View status
  2. Filtering and sorting controls
  3. List of import rules
  4. Import rule caption
  5. Active Directory Synchronization Schedule


The Directory Synchronization Schedule settings are now located by clicking the grayed out calendar icon at the top left of the icon bar as seen in this screenshot:

Note: The Directory Synchronization Schedule settings are grayed out (disabled) by default until you click on the grayed out calendar icon at the top to enable the settings. This also applies to the Resource Import rules.

For further details on this change and the others done with 8.0 HF1 release, please refer to:

193879 "ITMS 8.0 HF1 - What has changed in the Symantec Management Console, on the Microsoft Active Directory Import page?"