Can we schedule all the devices in maintenance mode at once?
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Can we schedule all the devices in maintenance mode at once?


Article ID: 16944


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Can we schedule all the devices in maintenance mode at once?


All releases of Spectrum running on supported platforms respectively


Yes, you can schedule all the devices in maintenance mode on all devices following the below procedure:


From the OneClick Conosle -> Locater Tab -> Devices -> All Devices -> Select Landscapes to Search -> From the Contents pane Results window -> Select All the Devices -> Now, right click -> Select Utilities -> Schedule Maintenance


You can also move all the devices in Maintenance Mode instantly following the below procedure: 


From the OneClick Console -> Locater Tab -> Devices -> All Devices -> Select Landscapes to Search -> From the Contents pane Results window -> Select All the Devices -> right click, go to the Attribute Editor -> Expand Maintenance Mode -> Double Click "In Maintenance" -> Uncheck "No Change" -> Click Yes (Do not check mark Set As Default) -> Click on Apply 


To remove from Maintenance Mode (Follow the same steps as above) -> Double Click "In Maintenance" -> Uncheck "No Change" -> Click No (Do not check mark Set As Default) -> Click on Apply -> Click Close -> then OK to exit Attribute Editor 

Additional Information

Please reference the "Maintenance and Hibernation Mode for Devices" section of the documentation for more information.