Does CA Mainframe Application Tuner use C, Enterprise for COBOL V5.1 or XML-CODE?
1 C
1-a If CA MAT uses C, what function in CA MAT does use C?
---- For now, in all currently published versions, we only use metal-C in the IFI server, which is used to trace DB2 measurement. But technically meta-C modules are very close to assembler modules because they do not rely on any LE support. So, we can tell the customer that we do not use LE-C, but only metal-C.
1-b If CA MAT uses C, does CA MAT use CEATsoRequest on C?
---- No, we do not use CEATsoRequest at all.
2 Enterprise for COBOL V5.1 or XML-CODE by UI36153 UI38933
2-a If CA MAT uses COBOL V5.1 or XML-CODE, what function in CA MAT does use COBOL V5.1 or XML-CODE?
---- No, we do not use COBOL at all.
---- No, since we do not use COBOL, we do not use XML-CODE either.
As a summary, in current GA versions, we mainly use Assembler and REXX in MAT. In some modules, we use metal-C but it is almost same as Assembler. We do not use LE-C, nor do we use COBOL.