Unable to load ProxySG Management Console after updating to Java 8
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Unable to load ProxySG Management Console after updating to Java 8


Article ID: 168716


Updated On:


ProxySG Software - SGOS


After upgrading to Java 8, you cannot load the ProxySG Management Console. You receive one of following Java errors:
ClassNotFoundException: Bluecoat.sgos.ui.SG_UIApp.class
Unable to connect to SG


TLS for management services is disabled.


To enable TLS for management services, use the following CLI commands:

Blue Coat SG Series#conf t

Blue Coat SG Series#(config)management-services

Blue Coat SG Series#(config management-services)edit HTTPS-console

Blue Coat SG Series#(config HTTPS-Console)attribute ssl-versions tlsv1 tlsv1.1 tlsv1.2
; if tlsv1.1 and tlsv1.2 are unknown, remove and enable only tlsv1

Blue Coat SG Series#(config HTTPS-Console)attribute cipher-suite ; select 2 and 3 as they are the only high-strength ciphers