How to prevent the default location from being used when TRAC041I message occurs?
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How to prevent the default location from being used when TRAC041I message occurs?


Article ID: 16747


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How to prevent the default location from being used when TRAC041I message occurs?          


Release: JOBT..00200-11-Jobtrac-Job Management


When message ‘TRAC041I JCL FOR eventname NOT LOCATED IN ddname(membername). WILL TRY TRACJ000’ occurs, an event will run from the default location if not found in the location it is scheduled from.  To prevent this from occurring set DEFAULT0 to NO in JOBTRA00.  A value of YES denotes that the location does default to location 000 if the event or schedule is not found in the location specified. Otherwise, the event is posted with a JCL error, or the schedule is posted with an 'M' dependency.  To activate change to this option, shut down Jobtrac with the BACK parameter or IPL


As always, please contact CA Technologies support for CA Jobtrac Job Management if you have further questions.