U1215 - Abend - when trying to browse the database?
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U1215 - Abend - when trying to browse the database?


Article ID: 16695


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File Master Plus for IMS File Master Plus for DB2 for z/OS


Browsing a DEDB Data Base using File-Master Plus for IMS.

Why am I getting a U1215 - Abend - when trying to browse the database?


Filemaster Plus for IMS - 10.0 - OS - z/os 2.2 - IMS - 15.0 Browsing a DEDB database.


The U1215 means that the call to authorized module CAWKGRBA failed. They’re running with an old CAWKGRBA. They should verify that the CDBIAUTH library (from which CAIRIM should load CAWKGRBA) was updated as part of applying maintenance.

Additional Information

If they’re sure that the proper CAWKGRBA is in use, please open a support case. As part of the U1215, diagnostic data is produced. The TSO session’s JES output will contain a CASNAP DD, we’ll need its content.