Managing Local Database Filtering
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Managing Local Database Filtering


Article ID: 166449


Updated On: 07-12-2024


ProxySG Software - SGOS


How to manage Local Database Filtering?


  1. Create a text file and list the category name and URLs to be filtered. The following is example syntax:
define category HTTP_whitelist
define category FTP_whitelist
  1. Save the text file into a web server folder.
  2. Configure the Edge SWG (ProxySG) to reference the text file:
    1. From the Management Console, select the Content Filtering > Local Database tab.
    2. (Optional: If authentication is required): In the Username field, enter the administrator username; click Change Password and enter the relevant password.
    3. In the URL field, enter the path to the text file on the web server. For example: http://x.x.x.x/Local/CustomLocalDatabase.txt.
    4. Clicking Download Now; click View Download Status to confirm your local database was successfully imported and compiled.
  3. Enable local database filtering on the Edge SWG (ProxySG):
    1. From the Management Console, select the Content Filtering > General tab.
    2. Select Use Local Database.
    3. Click Apply.
  4. Create a policy to enforce the filtering:
    1. Select Configuration > Policy > Visual Policy Manager; click Launch to display the VPM.
    2. In a Web Access Layer (Policy > Add Web Access Layer if one is not already present), right-click a Destination cell and select Set.
    3. In the dialog, click New and select Request URL Category.
    4. Select Local.
    5. Click OK to close all dialogs and click Install Policy button to enable the policy configuration.