Upgrading to CICS TS v5.4: what is needed?
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Upgrading to CICS TS v5.4: what is needed?


Article ID: 16641


Updated On:


Gen Gen - Workstation Toolset Gen - Host Encyclopedia Gen - Run Time Distributed


We will start to install CICS TS v5.4 next year.  

What is needed to make CICS TS v5.4 compatible with CA GEN, especially release 8.6?



Release: KGNDDL99000-8.6-Gen-DBP Developer License


Please know that CA GEN release 8.6 has been certified with CICS TS v5.4, and there is no maintenance required at this time. You should be just fine. 

If you have already upgraded to CA GEN 8.6 and are now upgrading to CICS TS v5.4, then the answer is that CA GEN requires no additional steps. You will follow IBM's directions and then deploy your applications. No requirements or steps needed on the CA GEN side. 

If you have not upgraded to CA GEN 8.6 at this time yet but plan to do so, then again, there are no specific steps needed just for CICS. You will follow the instructions for installing release 8.6, reviewing the Release Notes from any prior CA GEN releases as well as 8.6 as there may be new table definitions for CICS tables in the release upgrade. This would need to be done even if you were not upgrading from a prior CICS TS release to CICS TS 5.4.

Additional Information

Please see this link under Support Online regarding products which are certified with CICS v5.4:         https://support.ca.com/phpdocs/0/MSPSaccount/COMPAT/cics_compat.HTML