Display PacketShaper classes that exceeded the partition utilization in Adaptive Response
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Display PacketShaper classes that exceeded the partition utilization in Adaptive Response


Article ID: 166385


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PacketShaper S-Series PacketShaper


You set up adaptive response action files with the following parameters for the partition utilization agent:

Class Name: * or inbound/*
Utilization: 90
RedThreshold: 1
GreenThreshold: 0

Example of red action file:
send email [email protected] "Inbound High partition utilization" "$scorevalue classes had utilization greater than $Utilization percent. Classes include $class-id.

Example of a resulting notification email:
3 classes had utilization greater than 90 percent. Classes include Inbound/Localhost

The notification email shows $scorevalue as 3, but is only able to show one $class-id. You want to have all three $class-id display in the email.



This is a limitation on the PacketShaper's Adaptive Response Partition Utilization when the Agent Parameter's Class Name contains a wildcard character (*). The $avg-bps and $class-id variables work well in action files when the agent is monitoring a single partition. These variables are not intended for use when the agent is monitoring multiple classes (i.e. Class Name contains a wildcard).

Note: To work around this limitation, you can create a separate partition utilization agents for each specific class you want to monitor.

Refer to the following links for details on Adaptive Response Action Files: