How to uninstall the WSS Agent (WSSA) for Windows using the command-line (with or without an uninstall token)
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How to uninstall the WSS Agent (WSSA) for Windows using the command-line (with or without an uninstall token)


Article ID: 166209


Updated On:


Cloud Secure Web Gateway - Cloud SWG


WSS Agent (WSSA) has a security feature to ensure that users can only uninstall the software if they know the password.

How can you uninstall the agent when this feature is on?

What are the WSSA Package Versions (Product Codes) for the Windows agents?



Steps that were taken in the Cloud SWG (formerly known as WSS) Portal to get to the issue:

  1. WSS Portal > Connectivity > WSS Agent > End User Permissions > Require token to uninstall agent

  2. After a password is set, and WSSA reconnects successfully, the uninstall token must be provided in the command line.


Here are some sample WSS Agent for Windows uninstallation command:

Syntax if no un-installation token was set in the WSS Portal: 

C:\> msiexec /uninstall "WinWSSAgentInstaller64-"
C:\> msiexec /x "{4D87558C-FA87-4588-A8B0-4B405561E52F}"
Syntax if an uninstallation token was set in the WSS Portal: 
C:\> msiexec /uninstall "WinWSSAgentInstaller64-" UNINSTALL_TOKEN=token-set-in-the-portal
C:\> msiexec /x "{4D87558C-FA87-4588-A8B0-4B405561E52F}" UNINSTALL_TOKEN=token-set-in-the-portal
Note! The following format is incorrect: 
C:\> WinWSSAgentInstaller64- UNINSTALL_TOKEN=password
