How to transfer custom exception pages between ProxySG appliances?
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How to transfer custom exception pages between ProxySG appliances?


Article ID: 166199


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ProxySG Software - SGOS


- Replicate the custom exception pages made in one ProxySG to another ProxySG

- Copy the exception page configuration from an old box to a new RMA box

- Import exception page from saved configuration



To save an exception file:

1. Go to Management Console > Configuration tab > Policy > Exceptions.

2. Under View File, select Current Exceptions and click View. The HTML file which lists all current exceptions will display in another browser window/tab.

4. Save the exceptions_current.html file.

To Install an exception file:

1. Select Configuration tab > Policy > Exceptions

2. From the Install Exceptions Definitions from: drop·down list, select the method used to install the exceptions configuration.

3. Click Install.

a. Installing from a Remote URL:
Enter the fully·qualified URL, including the filename, where the configuration is located. To view the file before installing it, click View. Click Install. View the installation status; click OK.

b. Installing by browsing to a Local File: Click Browse to bring up the Local File Browse window.
Browse for the file on the local system. Open it and click Install. When the installation is complete, a results window opens. View the results, close the window, and click Close.

c. Installing a policy file using the ProxySG Text Editor:
In Structured Data Language (SDL) format, create a custom policy to be installed (added to the existing exceptions file).

4. Click OK.


This will replicate the exact same exception pages on one proxy to another.