How to run/upgrade Hardware Diagnostics on Edge Secure Web Gateway (formerly ProxySG), Advanced Secure Gateway (ASG), and Content Analysis System (CAS) S-series appliance(s).
Confirm availability of the Customer Hardware Diagnostics on the appliance
NOTE: The manufacturing date of an appliance can be seen based on its serial number.
The first 4 numbers represent the week number and year that a given device was manufactured.
To check if the Customer Hardware Diagnostics are present on the appliance
1. From the CLI, enter:
ProxySG> en
ProxySG# show diagnostic-systems
If the output from this command indicates that a version of Customer Hardware Diagnostics code is present, proceed to the next section for steps to access the diagnostics.
2. To install/upgrade a new version of diagnostics enter the following CLI commands:
ProxySG> en
ProxySG# conf t
ProxySG(config) diag-upgrade-path <URL for specific model of appliance>
ProxySG(config) exit
ProxySG# load diag-upgrade
The following example shows how to install diagnostics on the SG-S200:
Blue Coat SG-S200 Series>en
Blue Coat SG-S200 Series#conf t
Blue Coat SG-S200 Series#(config)diag-upgrade-path
Blue Coat SG-S200 Series#(config)exit
Blue Coat SG-S200 Series#load diag-upgrade
Downloading from ""
The new diagnostic software has been successfully downloaded.
From enable mode use "restart upgrade" to install the new diagnostic software.
Blue Coat SG-S200 Series#restart upgrade
restart upgrade initiated ...
NOTE: If uploading/upgrading to Diagnostics 2.1.4, you must be running or upgrade to or later or run 6.3.x.x. or be running or higher in the 5.x branch.
The URLs to access the Customer Hardware Diagnostics code are platform specific.
Use the following links to download the current version of the diagnostics:
Accessing Customer Hardware Diagnostics on this platform (using the serial console cable)
NOTE: This process interrupts 'Production' traffic until the appliance is restarted normally.
Using the Customer Hardware Diags
1. Enter log on to record the output to memory.
2. Type ? or Help to see the list of available commands. Help <command> displays the description of the command.
3. Run tests using the following commands (commands may differ depending on the diagnostics version):
The following command change the diagnostics level for the memory and disks.
Default is Level 1. Level 2 runs more in-depth tests and takes longer to complete.
The diagnostics offers the following test commands:
Command |
Description |
fpd | Front Panel Display |
Tests both the front panel LCD and button functionality. |
led | Light Emitting Diode |
Tests NIC card port LEDs and the front panel System Management and Power LEDs. |
rtc |
Real Time Clock |
Tests the functionality of the real time clock. |
ssl | Secure Sockets Layer |
Tests the functionality of a hardware SSL card in the models that contain them. |
comp | Compression |
Tests the functionality of the compression accelerator hardware card in the models that contain them. |
These commands require physical access to the appliance:
The following commands can be run to view system details:
NOTE: Pressing <CTRL>+C stops a test
4. If running a newer diagnostics version you can upload the logs to an existing case number.
First you have to configure an IP, Gateway and DNS.
NOTE: This does not change the configuration of the appliance.
5. Otherwise upload the log manually.