You want to force a full Blue Coat Web Filter (BCWF) content filter database download on the Edge SWG (Proxy SG) or Advanced Secure Gateway (ASG) appliance.
This article is broken into three sections.
Section one explains how to purge and download the BCWF database.
Section two explains how to purge and download the Application Classification database.
Section three explains how to purge and download the Threat Risk database.
Note: It is not necessary to complete all sections. Only follow the applicable section for the issue you are addressing on the ProxySG or ASG.
Important: Force the full update only as directed by Symantec Support. Perform the update during off hours to have minimal effect on users.
ProxySG#config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CTRL-Z.
ProxySG#(config content-filter)provider bluecoat disable
ProxySG#(config application-classification)disable
Purge the previous database and download a new one
ProxySG#(config content-filter)bluecoat
ProxySG#(config bluecoat)purge
ProxySG#(config bluecoat)download get-now
This may take a few minutes. Please wait...
loading database....................................................................
Download log:
Blue Coat download at: 2009/05/29 10:42:26 -0600
Downloading from
Download size: 187584768
Database date: Fri, 29 May 2009 16:05:28 UTC
Database expires: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 16:05:28 UTC
Database version: 291490400
Database format: 1.1
ProxySG#(config bluecoat)exit
ProxySG#(config content-filter)provider bluecoat enable
loading database...
Note: If you have filtering enabled for ProxyClient or Unified Agent, you must disable it before running the purge command; otherwise, the command fails.
ProxySG#(config application-classification)disable
ProxySG#(config application-classification)purge
ProxySG#(config application-classification)download get-now
This may take a few minutes. Please wait...
loading database....................................................................
ProxySG#(config application-classification)enable
Purging and forcing a full download of content filter database should also address errors (sample below) that may happen after switching from BCWF to IS (Intelligence Services) .
ERROR: 1024:843 - Unable to read Copy Byte Data
% Error : Should have at least processed something! {db-version} - {db-version}.cat