Extract the Sysinfo from EdgeSWG (ProxySG) CLI
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Extract the Sysinfo from EdgeSWG (ProxySG) CLI


Article ID: 165917


Updated On:


ProxySG Software - SGOS


The sysinfo can be extracted from the CLI by executing the following commands: 



Note: The output will be large and will require logging of the console session to a log file.

Enable Password:
proxysg#show advanced-url /sysinfo
Blue Coat Systems, Inc., ProxySG Appliance System Information
Version 7.0
Title ProxySG Appliance System


Version Information
URL_Path /SYSINFO/Version
Blue Coat Systems, Inc., ProxySG Appliance Version Information
Version: SGOS 7.3.x.x
Release id: xxxx
UI Version: 7.3.x.x (44698)
The current time is Thu Mar 4, 2023 12:09:21 GMT (SystemTime 447250161)
The ProxySG Appliance was last hardware rebooted 1 days, 2 hours, 39 minutes, and 43 seconds ago.
The ProxySG Appliance was last software rebooted 1 days, 2 hours, 39 minutes, and 50 seconds ago.
Serial number is xxxxxx
NIC 0 MAC is xxxxx


Hardware Information
URL_Path /Diagnostics/Hardware/Info
Hardware Information

Model: S400-20