How can I limit bandwidth per user/user group?
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How can I limit bandwidth per user/user group?


Article ID: 165874


Updated On: 07-04-2022


ProxySG Software - SGOS Advanced Secure Gateway Software - ASG


I want to set limit bandwidth usage per user/user group


1. Log in to the proxySG/ASG Management Console.

2. Select Configuration > Bandwidth Managementt > BWM Classes.

3. Enable Bandwidth Management.

4. Click New and give a name to your class, enable Max. Bandwidth and specify a value. Click OK and Apply.

5. Go to the VPM (Configuration > Policy > Visual Policy Manager > Launch).

6. Click Policy>Web access layer

7. In source click Set- New client IP address/Subnet

8. In the case that you would like to apply the bandwidth management based on the authenticated username or user group, in source click Set- New user- In user put the name of the user or User group

9. Click Policy > Web Access Layer > Click Action > Set > New > Manage Bandwidth

10. Click on Server side > Inbound > Bandwidth class> (Bandwidth class by your choice if you have more than one)

12. Install the policy.

13. To verify bandwidth management is working, look at the Bandwidth Management statistics: Statistics > Bandwidth Mgmt.