How can I limit bandwidth to Netflix?
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How can I limit bandwidth to Netflix?


Article ID: 165861


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ProxySG Software - SGOS


1. First, create a bandwidth management class in the ProxySG Management Console: Configuration > Bandwidth Mgmt > Bandwidth Classes.


2. In the Visual Policy Manager (VPM), add a Web Content Layer: Policy > Add Web Content Layer. Rename the new layer if you prefer.


3. Create two Request URLs. In the Destination field, right-click and choose Set > New > Request URL. Make sure to create these rules using Advanced Match & Contains. Make sure to give it a name:


4. Create the second Request URL, again make sure to create these rules using Advanced Match & Contains. Make sure to give it a Name:

5. Create a Combined Destination object. In the Destination field, right-click and choose Set > New > Combined Destination Object and then add the two Request URLs previously created to the box on the right. Make sure to give it a name.

6. In the Action field of your new rule create a bandwidth management object. Again rename the object if you prefer.

7. Install the newly created policy.


8. Test the Netflix connection and verify bandwidth is limited for Netflix.


9. Another way to verify if if bandwidth management is working is to look at the Bandwidth Management statistics: Statistics > Bandwidth Mgmt.