What are the error codes defined in CA Adapter in Advanced Authentication
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What are the error codes defined in CA Adapter in Advanced Authentication


Article ID: 16568


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CA Advanced Authentication CA Advanced Authentication - Strong Authentication (AuthMinder / WebFort) CA Strong Authentication CA Risk Authentication


Could you please provide the error codes defined in CA Adapter?


CA Advanced Authentication -

Adapter(arcotafm) version 8.x 9.x


Starting 7060 are SHIM error codes and starting 7070 are AFM related error codes. AFM is one which is controlling the flow for Authentication and will talk to Strong Auth and Risk servers as needed so it understands any operation status for credentials (QnA,OTP and others) whereas the 7060 errro codes are SHIM related and the status of Authentication is passed to SHIM from AFM and then SHIM understands that the error in Authentication process has happened then sets the error code you see, it will be applicable for all the credential related error you may see and on SHIM side you will see the error code which you see now.
Below are the error codes starting 7060.

706021001 = Unable to create Token.
706021002 = Unable to retrieve Token.
706021003 = Unable to update Token.
706021004 = Unable to delete Token.
706021005 = Configured auth landling url does not match auth url in token. Contact Administrator.
706021006 = Unrecognized Shim Action. Contact Administrator.
706021007 = Initialization failed for the section. Contact Administrator.
706021008 = Password service not configured properly. Contact Administrator.
706051102 = Password field not present. Please retry.
706051103 = Invalid password format. Please retry.
706051104 = Token userID does not match disambiguated userID. Please retry.
706051105 = Backing scheme failure. Please retry..
706051106 = Risk Engine Post Eval denied transaction.
706051107 = Password reset failed. Please retry.
706053201 = User is disabled by administrator. Contact administrator.
706053202 = Max login attempts exceeded.
706053203 = User is inactive.
706053204 = Password expired.
706053205 = User is disabled in the directory.

Apart from the above messages, 706051101 error is returned for authentication failure and 706051108 returned for password session expired scenarios

[B] The below error codes are configured in the file jspString_en.properties in the <arcotafm deployment location>/arcotafm/WEB-INF/classes.

# error codes for enrollment
2050 = One or more of the fields were left empty.
2051 = One or more of the fields entered exceeds maximum allowed size.
2052 = One or more of the fields entered is less than minimum allowed size.
2053 = Value of one or more of the fields entered exceeds maximum allowed value.
2054 = Value of one or more of the fields entered is less than minimum allowed value.
2055 = Value of one or more of the fields is invalid.
2056 = One or more of the fields entered is invalid.
2056 = One or more of the fields entered has invalid characters.
2057 = One or more of the fields entered does not meet formatting requirements.
2058 = Password entered has less number of alphabets than required.
2059 = Password entered has less number of numeric characters than required.
2060 = Password entered has less number of ASCII special characters than required.
6000 = Duplicate questions are not allowed.
6001 = Duplicate answers are not allowed.
6002 = The questions cannot be same as answers.
6005 = Your details are not available in our system currently. Please contact customer care for support.
6006 = TokenID entered has already been assigned. Please contact customer care for support.
6007 = Password entered is same as earlier password.
6009 = OATH TokenID is abandoned. Use a different TokenID.
2003 = The Organization name in the OATH Token does not match your Organization name.

# user message text returned to Shim in failure/reject cases, based on AceNoticeCode
707021041 = Properties file not found
707021042 = Properties file cannot be read
707021043 = Required property missing
707021044 = Property value invalid
707021345 = We are facing some technical problems. Please try after sometime.
707021346 = Unable to connect to WebFort server. Please contact customer care for support.
707021351 = Unable to connect to RiskFort server
707021352 = Unable to connect to UDS web service
707029046 = Server request result unexpected
707029047 = The request is not supported by CA Adapter.
707071346 = Server transaction timeout
707021347 = Initialization of State Manager client failed
707021348 = Unable to connect to State Manager
707021349 = State Manager must be initialized before use
707051450 = LandingURL cannot be derived from HTTPRequest
707031551 = Specified number of Questions not received
707051551 = Unable to get specified number of Questions
707061152 = User or credentials for user not found
707063052 = User registered but CA Auth ID not available for download
707063152 = Security Questions not available for user
707063352 = OTP not available for user
707063452 = User registered but CA Mobile OTP not available for download
707098252 = Risk alert: user not recognized
707061153 = User already exists
707061154 = Your details are not available in our system currently. Please contact customer care for support.
707061155 = Your account is currently in disabled state. Please contact customer care for support.
707063053 = Your CA Auth ID credential is in inactive state. Please contact customer care for support.
707063153 = Your security questions credential is in inactive state. Please contact customer care for support.
707063353 = Your OTP credential is in inactive state. Please contact customer care for support.
707063453 = Your CA Mobile OTP credential is in inactive state. Please contact customer care for support.
707098253 = To protect your account against identity theft and online fraud, CA Adapter is not able to process your request currently. Please try after sometime.
707063054 = Your CA Auth ID credential has been locked because of continuous incorrect attempts.
707063154 = Your security questions credential has been locked because of continuous incorrect attempts.
707063354 = Your OTP credential has been locked because of continuous incorrect attempts.
707063454 = Your CA Mobile OTP credential has been locked because of continuous incorrect attempts.
707063455 = Your CA Mobile OTP credential has expired.
707063055 = Your CA Auth ID has expired. Please contact customer care for support.
707063075 = Your CA Auth ID validity not started.
707063155 = Your security questions credential has expired. Please contact customer care for support.
707063355 = Your OTP has expired. Please try again. Contact customer care, if problem persists.
707063056 = Renewed CA Auth ID available
707098256 = Increased authentication required
707059057 = Required state data not set
707069057 = Required information unavailable
707051658 = Parameters passed to task constructor are invalid
707059058 = Empty token attribute not allowed
707061158 = Contents of required data element invalid
707061159 = Contents of the data element contains prohibited characters
707061160 = The value provided for one or more field is invalid.
707059059 = HttpRequest information required but not provided
707033060 = Error in browser when searching for CA Auth IDs
707033460 = Error in browser when searching for CA Mobile OTPs
707073061 = User identity discrepancy
707073062 = CA Auth ID signed challenge not valid
707073162 = Answer(s) provided for the Security Question(s) is not correct
707073362 = OTP is not correct
707051063 = The configured clientTypes are only supported on HTTPS requests
707051064 = Authentication mechanism is not supported
707051664 = Flow is not part of the supported out of box flows
707051065 = Error occurred in instantiation of a task
707063356 = OTP credential validity not started.
707063065 = User password validity credential not started.
707063156 = QnA credential validity not yet started.
707063049 = OATH credential validity not yet started.
707063459 = CA Mobile OTP credential validity not yet started.
707063358 = User Device not found.
707063359 = Push Notification Transaction timed out.
707063360 = Could not update State Manager token
707063361 = User denied Push Notification
707063362 = Transaction already Completed.
707098077 = Log message from Shim
707098177 = Log message from WebFort
707089978 = Transaction could not complete
707039979 = Internal error: Task logic assertion failed
707039979 = We are unable to process your request. Please try after sometime!
707039980 = Update of user credentials is not allowed
707039984 = Authentication for the user failed.
707039985 = Configuration error in WebSEAL. Contact Administrator.
707039987 = Invalid locale specified. Please retry with correct locale.
707051041 = Your security settings have been changed, we are unable to authenticate you. Please contact customer care for support.
707065048 = OATH authentication failed. Enter OTP to proceed with authentication.
707063458 = AOTP authentication failed. Enter OTP to proceed with authentication.
707063063 = User Password is inactive. It is either locked or disabled.
707063064 = User password maximum retries exceeded.
707063063 = User Password is inactive. It is either locked or disabled.
707063260 = User password credential expired.

#SAML module related error codes.
707024080 = SAML utility initialization failed. Contact Administrator.
707064180 = SAMl response received is corrupted.
707064181 = SAML response received is expired.
707064182 = SAML response doesn't have valid start date.
707064183 = SAML response does not have valid signature.
707064184 = SAML response creation failed.
707064185 = SAML response signing failed.
707064086 = SAML request is corrupted.
707064087 = SAML request parsing failed.
707064088 = SAML request validation failed.
707064089 = SAML request generation failed.
707064189 = SAML Module error.

# Notification related notice codes.
707054240 = Error occurred in instantiation of notification service
707064240 = Notification destination information missing. Contact administrator to update the profile with mobile phone number/email address.
707054241 = Configuration error. Notification template missing. Contact system administrator.
#Click a tell sms service
707054245 = Click a tell SMS service initialization failed due to missing required parameters
707064245 = Click a tell SMS service failed to send SMS due to missing required transaction parameters
707034246 = We are unable to send SMS currently. Please try after some time!
#Amds SMS Service
707054247 = AMDS SMS service initialization failed due to missing required parameters
707034248 = AMDS SMS service failed to send SMS due to transaction error
#IE email service
707054250 = IE Email service initialization failed due to missing required parameters
707064250 = IE Email service failed to send email due to missing required transaction parameters
707034251 = IE Email service failed to send email due to transaction error
#Amds mail service
707054253 = AMDS Email service initialization failed due to missing required parameters
707034254 = AMDS Email service failed to send email due to transaction error

#SMTP email service
707034252 = SMTP Email service failed to send email due to transaction error

707031140 = We are facing some technical problems. Please try after sometime.
707021350 = RiskFort API intialization failed.

#OATH related messages.
707065041 = User authenticated by WebFort and user present in state data is not same.
707065042 = OTP entered is invalid. Please enter a valid OTP.
707065043 = Hardware device synchronization failed. Please try again. Contact customer care, if problem persists.
707065044 = Hardware device synchronization/authentication failed because invalid parameter passed.
707065045 = This authentication mechanism is not available for you. Contact customer care for support.
707065046 = You have exceeded the maximum number of incorrect attempts. Contact customer care for support
707065047 = Your hardware device is in inactive state. Contact customer care for support.
707063048 = Your hardware device has expired. Contact customer care for support.
#Update controller related message.
707063057 = There are no credentials to be updated by you. Please wait while you are being redirected!

#New notice for sample application enrollment controller
707063100 = Multiple Authentication enrollment is not supported.