Determining the current number of client connections on EdgeSWG (ProxySG)
You want to determine the current number of client connections
The number of client connections can be determined by navigating to
Statistics > Protocol Details > HTTP/FTP History > HTTP/HTTPS/FTP Clients
These graphs represent the maximum number of client connections per minute/hour/day.
To set the graph scale to a different value, select a value from the Graph scale should drop-down list.
The HTTP/HTTPS/FTP Clients tab shows the maximum number of clients with requests processed over the last 60 minutes, 24 hours, and 30 days. This does not include idle client connections (connections that are open but that have not made a request). These charts allow you to monitor the maximum number of active clients accessing the appliance at any one time. In conjunction with the HTTP/HTTPS/FTP Objects and HTTP/HTTPS/FTP Bytes tabs, you can determine the number of clients supported based on load, or load requirements for your site based on a specific number of clients.