Configuring ICAP Health Checks
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Configuring ICAP Health Checks


Article ID: 165591


Updated On: 07-19-2023


ProxySG Software - SGOS


Configuring ICAP Health Checks
You want help configuring ICAP Health Checks


You can configure an ICAP health check for a registered ICAP service in the Management Console by:

  1. Go to Configuration > Health Checks > General
  2. Click New, provide the Health Check name and click OK.
  3. Click Edit to configure the Health Check settings. Set the Health Check Type to "ICAP" and the time intervals and/or number of failures to trigger the Health Check.
  4. Select the ICAP service for which you wish to enable Health Checks. If there are no ICAP services registered with the ProxySG, this field will be disabled.
  5. To run the Health Check immediately, click the Health Check button.
  6. Click OK, then Apply to save the changes.

To view Health Checks, use the following URLs:

  • https://ProxySG_IP_address:8082/health_check/view (to list all health check configurations)
  • https://ProxySG_IP_address:8082/health_check/statistics (to view statistics for active Health Checks)