How do I change the default Single Sign On Policy Server PORTS?
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How do I change the default Single Sign On Policy Server PORTS?


Article ID: 16543


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CA Single Sign On Secure Proxy Server (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On SOA Security Manager (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign-On


By Default, the Single Sign On Policy Server listens on the following PORTS;

44441:-Accounting Port 

44442:-Authentication Port 

44443:-Authorization Port 

44444:-Administration PortTCP and UDP. 


44441,44442 & 44443 ports are used by web agents to communicate with the policy server. 

44444 is used by adminui to connect to policy server.

How can I modify the environment so that the Policy Server does not utilize the Default PORTS?


Single Sign On 12.8


You can modify the PORTS used by the Policy Server in the SMConsole via the "Settings" Tab if you do not wish to utilize the Default Ports. If you modify the PORTS used by the Policy Servers in the environment, please ensure to modify the SMHost.conf files and the HCO settings to utilize the new PORTS, and ensure that there are no Firewalls blocking these ports between the Agents and the Policy Servers. You will also need to re-register the WAMUI to point to the new Authentication PORT.

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