Inbound Emails are being delayed
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Inbound Emails are being delayed


Article ID: 165146


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Emails sent to your organization are being delayed, but delivered.

Emails you are sending are being delayed, but delivered.


To begin investigating a delay in receiving your inbound mail, you will need to logon to the ClientNet portal at

Once logged in, navigate to the Tools menu and then Track and Trace

You should be presented with the following screen,


In the Recipient field, you will need to enter * (replacing with the domain in which you believe the delay is occurring on)

Set the Date Range to when the delay was/is being experienced, If the delay is currently being experienced please set as last 1 - 2 hours

Click Search

After a period of time the results will be displayed similar to the below.

You will see that there are 2 columns, Accepted and Delivered

Accepted is the Date and time that the email was successfully delivered to the Symantec Email servers from the Senders email server.

Delivered is the Date and time that the email was successfully delivered to your configured inbound route(s)

If the Accepted and Delivered times show the same time this indicates that there has been no delay between the time accept the email  and passed it on to its final destination and that any delays seen should be investigated with either the sender or recipient.

Clicking on the email in the search results will provide a more detailed view

You should see <1 minute difference between the Connection Started and Connection Finished times displayed.

A larger delay between these two times would indicate that the email/s in question have been held on our systems for longer than is normally expected and would require additional investigation (Please make a note of the Message Reference Number of the email to provide to Broadcom Support)

If no delay is being seen via Track and Trace but you are still experiencing delays in sending & receiving emails It is recommend that you inspect the email headers on a received email to trace the emails path and transit time to help locate the point where the delay was caused.