No assets are displayed in UMC and the Java policy editor is not populating data
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No assets are displayed in UMC and the Java policy editor is not populating data


Article ID: 165089


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Data Center Security Server Advanced


UMC Console is accessible but not populating data.  The Java policy editor only shows canned policies but no other policies are displayed.  The error message displayed below, from UMC, prescribes installing the Unified Management Console root CA certificate on a browser.  If this has already been completed and the assets are still not displayed, verify connectivity to the management server's database and that the scsp_ops user has full permission thereto.

java.sql.SQLException: The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object '<object>', database '<database_name>', schema 'dbo'.

System Error: Unable to connect to DCS: Server. Ensure that you have accepted the DCS: Server certificate in the web browser. If the problem persists, contact service administrator.


DCS 6.X, 8.x, 9.x


1. Since the UMC console can still be accessed there most likely is not an issue connecting to the database (on 6.7 and later), in this case the scsp_ops user lacks the necessary permissions to modify the database.


2. Another cause:  The Server certificate, as mentioned in the error, is not the problem. The problem is caused by SQL and DCS Manager running on the same server.

Explanation:  When a server is rebooted the service "Symantec Data Center Security Server Manager" almost always starts before the SQL Server engine service does. When this happens the database cannot be accessed by the DCS service which does not try to reconnect to the database engine again.


1. Ensure that the scsp_ops user has DBO permissions on the DCS management database and the management server has access thereto.  Once permissions are restored, restart the DCS manager.

   2a. Restart the service "Symantec Data Center Security Server Manager"

   2b. Change the start type for the service "Symantec Data Center Security Server Manager" to "Automatic (Delayed Start)"  

This setting will force the service to wait longer, after a server reboot, to load. By that time the SQL Server Engine and the database will be started and ready.