The Portfolio Items page filter appears to be returning incorrect results.
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The Portfolio Items page filter appears to be returning incorrect results.


Article ID: 16502


Updated On:


Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


On the Portfolio Items Page, why are incorrect results returned for filter conditions, “Percent Done by Story Count”, “Percent Done by Story Plan Estimate, and the “Owner fields.


“Percent Done by Story…” is filtering to exclude 100% yet the first item, Initiative 5, is showing…

Owner field includes other Owner’s (cosmo and Empire H) than BobB which is set in the filter… 


Component: ACSAAS


The correct value to place in the “Percentage Done by Story” field must be a decimal value

For example:    1 = 100%

                            .5 = 50%


The Owner filter includes children and any item lower in the hierarchy.  By expanding the items, one will see that these items are owned by the filtered value.