Symantec Data Loss Prevention - Release types
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Symantec Data Loss Prevention - Release types


Article ID: 164993


Updated On: 10-03-2023


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Symantec Data Loss Prevention updates can be in the form of different release types. The purpose of this article is to explain the various release types and their impact on your Data Loss Prevention deployment.

There are four different release types:

  • Major Release
  • Minor Release
  • Release Update (RU)
  • Maintenance Pack (MP)

Each of these release types is described in the following section.

Each of these release types can have hotfixes.

NOTE: Hotfixes are created for the most current MP on any DLP version.


Definitions of Release Types

The Symantec Data Loss Prevention release types have the following characteristics:

Major Release. Includes new features and functionality changes. This typically includes database schema changes. Includes new SKUs. Example: 15.0 and 16.0.

Minor Release. Includes new features and functionality changes. This can include database schema changes. Includes new SKUs. The scope of change in a Minor Release is typically not as extensive as in a Major Release. Examples: 15.7, 15.8.

NOTE: Both the Major and Minor Releases are also referred to as Versions. Example: 16.0 and 15.8 are both classified as versions.

Release Update (RU). Can include new, minor features and functionality changes. There are no new SKUs for Release Updates. RUs typically don't include database schema changes, but may on occasion. A Release Update is an upgrade from the most recent minor version of a product. Example: 16.0.1.

Maintenance Pack (MP). A Maintenance Pack is a collection of defect fixes. Maintenance Packs do not include new features, though additional platform support may be added for the Enforce Server, detection servers, and DLP Agents.  MPs consolidate hotfixes and contents of previous Maintenance Packs. Maintenance Packs contain only defect fixes. Defects fixed in an MP are documented in the Release Notes. Examples: 15.8 MP2, 15.8 MP3.

Hotfix. Hotfixes are created to fix a single issue. A hotfix will be built upon an existing Major/Minor Release, RU, or Maintenance Pack. Example: 15.8.00305.01001 (HF5 for 15.8 MP3).  Hotfixes can be either Public or Private. Private hotfixes are typically issued for problems that have a narrow impact, such as an individual application conflict. Public hotfixes are typically issued for wider impact, such as a browser update affecting performance or functionality. Private and Public hotfixes are cumulative, each hotfix, private or public, will contain all prior private and public hotfixes for that Major/Minor Release or MP. Example: New hotfixes for 15.8 MP3 contain all the previous hotfixes for 15.8 MP3.

Best Practices for Applying Maintenance Packs

Maintenance Packs are restricted to defect fixes only, with no changes to features or the database schema. Because of this, Symantec recommends that you apply Maintenance Packs in environment immediately after they are released, as they should require only minimal qualifying (as compared with other types of releases). Applying a Maintenance Pack ensures that your Data Loss Prevention environment is up to date, and optimizes technical support for your deployment.

While Symantec recommends updating DLP Agents and servers to the same MP level, DLP Agents that have been updated to the latest MP can communicate with servers that have not been updated, as long as the Agents and servers are at the same version (that is, the same major, minor, or RU version) independent of the MP.

Example: A 15.8 MP3 agent can communicate with a 15.8 MP3, 15.8 MP2, 15.8 MP1, or 15.8 (no MP) server.
There can be exceptions to this guidance, such as 15.7 MP2 which required the Enforce and Endpoint Servers to be upgraded to 15.7 MP2 prior to updating agents to 15.7 MP2.