When upgrading Endpoint Protection Manager to 14.0, you may receive a "Password validation failed." error in the installation log and the top 3 tabs inside of the Endpoint Protection Manager may be blank.
WARNING: DbUtil> addReporterUser>> Add report login!
WARNING: Upgrade> updateTransactionLogFileSize>> final log size is 16384
SEVERE: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Password validation failed. The password does not meet Windows policy requirements because it is too short.
We use SQL Server System Stored Procedures sp_addlogin() to add the reporter login during the upgrade and that reporter user is using the Endpoint Protection Manager username (such as sem5) password. If a password policy GPO is in place, that SQL store procedure will always check the password complexity. If the Endpoint Protection Manager user password does not meet Windows policy requirements, you will receive the password validation failed exception.
This issue is resolved in Endpoint Protection 14.0.1 (RU1). Download the latest version of Symantec software here.
Alternatively you can use one of the following workaround: