What mdb Table Holds The Data For Configuration Item Versioning/Auditing?
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What mdb Table Holds The Data For Configuration Item Versioning/Auditing?


Article ID: 16460


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SUPPORT AUTOMATION- SERVER CA Service Desk Manager - Unified Self Service CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


Reporting on the audit or versioning data of the configuration items requires report manager to build query on certain mdb table(s). This tech doc gives

the table name and related schema object name for this kind of reporting queries.


What mdb Table Holds The Data For Configuration Item Versioning/Auditing?


This tech doc applies to all versions of Service Desk Manager/CMDB on all platforms using any DBMS


The mdb table that holds the versioning/audit data of the configuration items is nr_com. The schema object is nr_com, with schema associated table

as NR_Comment.

Additional Information

This table could be very big if the install has a lot of auditing/versioning data for a lot of configuration items so it is better to do

specific queries like "where com_par_id = 'the uuid-of-a-configuration-item'", instead of some all inclusive queries which return too much data that

could clog the application.