How can I resolve the following error? And, what may be causing it? ? ? TLMXI005 - ERROR FOUND IN IMPORT - CHECK REPORT
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How can I resolve the following error? And, what may be causing it? ? ? TLMXI005 - ERROR FOUND IN IMPORT - CHECK REPORT


Article ID: 16448


Updated On:


Telon Application Generator


How can I resolve the following error? And, what may be causing it?




Release: ESBTLN99000-5.1-Telon-Extended Support Basic


Any time we see the 'TLMXI005' error in connection with 'IN USE BY', we know that your 'MEMBER IN USE' error definitely means that there is a 'LIVE' record on the WIP (work in progress files), such as TNTDFW, TNTDDW, or TNTDXW. 

This is most likely caused when a user does not exit the TDF cleanly, such as when a terminal were to be shut off, power is lost, the TDF abends, or a TSO session crashes while editing a member.  Any time a TDF member is accessed (SD, PD, PI, or a DBD member), a PF3 needs to be done per each panel to ensure that the TDF is exited cleanly.

Please try rerunning the JREORGWK member of your pdsqual.INSTALL library.  This will DELETE/DEFINE and reinitialize the work files for you, and thus resolve the TLMXI005 error.  Please know that running this job requires all users to be logged off of the TDF. This should be done minimally once a week.

A second alternative is to actually zap these records.  This is done by getting into the INSTALL MENU panel of the TDF and then issuing either a 'LI WF' or 'LI WD' command and placing a 'z' by the work record that is listed and needs to be deleted.