Log Analyzer for Db2 for z/OS (PLA) fails to read a compression dictionary and produces dump
LAE0294I Beginning of Inline Image Copy processing.
LAE0418I Inline Image Copy process has ended abnormally with Condition Code: 000010. A DUMP with the title 'INLINE COPY TASK TERMINATION' was taken. The waiting module was LAA@ICGT.
LAE0071W Unable to build expansion dictionary from Image Copy
LAE0069E Unable to expand compressed data. Data will be shown in dump format
DB2 for Z/OS
Release: R20
Possible storage related problem or inability to obtain a compression dictionary from the tablespace.
It is possible this is a storage related problem.
Review the sort parameters specified in the DYNSORT parameter in the job and try increasing them.
Also change DYNSORT MSG option to (Y)es.
It is also possible that there is a problem obtaining the compression dictionary from the tablespace.
Try changing the detail level being used to IMAGCOPY
In order to decompress data, a compression dictionary is required every time. Log Analyzer has sophisticated logic to detect and pick correct the compression dictionary for the data it is processing.
The IBM REPORT RECOVERY utility can be used to diagnose the availability of a full image copy that covers the time frame of the extract. The IMAGCOPY setting will not be effective if there is no image copy available.