Format of Date Displayed in RC/Update
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Format of Date Displayed in RC/Update


Article ID: 16419


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RC/Update for DB2 for z/OS


Default values can be defined for various RC/Edit settings:

- Whether authorization should be checked before a user enters RC/Edit
- The date and time formats (for browse and edit sessions)
- Comma formatting for numeric data
- Capitalization conversion for character data
- The edit method for RC/Edit and RC/Browse
- How often to commit changes during a Fast Edit
- Whether the Edit Table selection panel appears when you exit an RI/Edit session
- The way you edit views
- String delimiter characters for varying character columns of tables
- Asynchronous background fetch options

Default configuration values can be set for RC/Edit and RC/Browse in the RCEDIT and DEFAULTS members of hlq.CDBAPARM. These parameters affect RC/Edit and RC/Browse.

In hlq.CDBAPARM(DEFAULTS) , UDATE and UTIME values, the format date is EUR but when we display a table it shows the date format is in ISO format.


Use the PROFILE command while browsing the table and select :

3 - RC/Edit Profile Variables

Check/Amend the following fields to match the required format:
Date format for RC/EDIT BROWSE       ==> ???   ISO,USA,EUR,JIS or LOCAL
Time format for RC/EDIT BROWSE       ==> ???   ISO,USA,EUR,JIS or LOCAL


Note that these values are stored in the users PROFILE ispf dataset. These override the values in the hlq.CDBAPARM(DEFAULTS) member for a given user.

UDATE      (ISO)              /* DATE FORMAT FOR RC/EDIT DISPLAY   */
                              /*   (ISO,USA,EUR,JIS,LOCAL)         */
                              /*                                   */
UTIME      (ISO)              /* TIME FORMAT FOR RC/EDIT DISPLAY   */
                              /*   (ISO,USA,EUR,JIS,LOCAL)         */

Additional Information

Set RC/Update Profile Variables


Edit the DEFAULTS Product Parmlib Member