Protection for SharePoint servers are showing as "Stopped" or are unable to register new Protection Engine Servers
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Protection for SharePoint servers are showing as "Stopped" or are unable to register new Protection Engine Servers


Article ID: 164011


Updated On: 06-30-2022


Protection for SharePoint Servers


Symantec Protection for SharePoint Servers (SPSS) are showing as Stopped in the CA console under the Farm Overview or when registering scanners, the operation hangs or times out. 


Communication is failing between the SPSS components on the SharePoint servers.


There are several things that can cause this failure to occur. Ensure that the following points are met. The CA server will be referred to as Server A and SharePoint server that either shows as "Stopped" or that you cannot register new scanners to will be referred to as Server B:

  • Make sure the Symantec Protection 6.0 for SharePoint Servers service is running on both Server A and Server B.
  • For registration issues, make sure that the Symantec Protection Engine service is running on the target scanner
  • Ports 9455 and 9466 must be open both Server A and on Server B. From Server A, make sure that you can communicate to ports 9455 and 9466 on Server B. From Server B, make sure that you can communicate to ports 9455 and 9466 on Server A.
    • If your servers have PowerShell 4, you can use the Test-NetConnection cmdlet to make sure communication works. Make sure to run it on both servers, changing the ComputerName to the server you are not on. Make sure you test both ports.
      • Test-NetConnection -ComputerName "Server A" -Port 9455
  • For registration issues, make sure that Server A and Server B can connect to the target scanner on port 1344.
  • Both forward DNS (hostname to IP Address) and reverse DNS (IP Address to hostname) must work on both Server A and Server B. You can test this by using either nslookup or the Resolve-DNSName cmdlet in PowerShell
    • Example: From Server B, run Resolve-DNSName "Server A"
    • Example: From Server B, Resolve-DNSName "", where represents Server A's IP address. Replace it with the appropriate IP address.
    • Perform the same tests on Server A for Server B.
  • If your server has multiple nics or IP addresses, see the following article: