The data collection job fails Control Compliance Suite - Login failure: the user has not been granted requested log on type at this computer.
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The data collection job fails Control Compliance Suite - Login failure: the user has not been granted requested log on type at this computer.


Article ID: 163965


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Control Compliance Suite Control Compliance Suite Standards Module Control Compliance Suite Standards Server


Control Compliance Suite (CCS)

The data collection job fails because of the error:

"Login failure: the user has not been granted requested log on type at this computer."


Windows agentless data collection


Necessary user rights not provided at the target Asset.


CCS requires local administrator privileges on target computers for successful data collection and this is the minimum requirement. Please refer attached PDF which states the CCS Data Collection Privileges.

If you have given local admin privileges and still data collection job is failing with this error then we need to provide the following rights exclusively to the querying user on the target machine.

  1. Act as a part of the operating system
  2. Log on as a Service
  3. Log on as a batch job
  4. Create a token object
  5. Impersonate a client after authentication
  6. Replace a process level token

Remove the querying user from the following User Rights Assignment

  • Deny log on as a batch job
  • Deny log on as a service

Additional Information

In addition to the information above, the error "Login failure: the user has not been granted requested log on type at this computer." may also occur if the CCS Service account of the Application Server does not have the 'Log on as a Batch Job' permission on any CCS Manager that has the 'Evaluation' and/or 'Reporting' CCS role.

User privileges for deploying CCS components

On any CCS Manager that has the CCS 'Reporting' or 'Evaluation' role, make sure the CCS Service account has 'Log on as a batch job' permission on those servers.


1698413075635__Control Compliance Suite Data Collection Privileges Guide12x.pdf get_app