Whitelist a domain with the Symantec Click-time URL Protection service
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Whitelist a domain with the Symantec Click-time URL Protection service


Article ID: 163838


Updated On:


Email Threat Detection and Response


I want to exclude specific URLs or domains from being rewritten or processed by the Symantec Click-time URL Protection service.


Adding domains and URLs to the Click-time URL Protection whitelist

  1. To exclude specific domains from being processed by the Click-time URL Protection service, navigate in the Symantec.cloud portal to:
    • Services > Email Threat Detection and Response > Click-time URL Protection Settings
  2. Select either Global or choose a Specific Domain from the drop down.
  3. Expand the downward arrow next to Whitelist Domains.
  4.  Add either a specific domain (e.g. www.symantecdomain.com) or a wildcard domain (e.g. *.symantecdomain.com) to the whitelist.

Note that any changes made to the whitelist will be active within minutes of clicking the Save button.

How to discover an original URL so that it can be whitelisted

  • Browse to www.urldecoder.org
  • Paste in the full rewritten URL and click <DECODE>
  • In the Decoded box at the end, you can see the original URL.