Disable and Allow SSH Via DCS IPS Policy
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Disable and Allow SSH Via DCS IPS Policy


Article ID: 163617


Updated On:


Data Center Security Server Advanced


You want to disable SSH access, but it fails when configuring the IPS policy in Global options


The SSH has been put into a special daemon


Edit the policy as the following steps:

Edit policy --> Sandbox --> Daemon --> Default Daemon Options

Click the “Edit(+)”

Network Controls -- > Inbound networks rules

Add the new inbound network rules as below:

The following example shows that we only allow DCS server access the client via SSH port 22. The other host in the same subnet can not access the client via SSH port 22

  • We can use 192.0.2.* or CIDR format (

If the limited host access via SSH, the Putty will pop up an error box