How do I convert the zip file with PTFs I downloaded to a flat file
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How do I convert the zip file with PTFs I downloaded to a flat file


Article ID: 16345


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


The PTF download process puts all downloaded PTFs in a single zip file. Inside of the zip file each PTF has it's own file.

The goal is to have several PTFs in 1 file. It is simpler to do a receive on SMPE using 1 file. Less JCL changes and less files to upload to the mainframe.

Is there a way to download several ptfs to a zip file, then convert them to a flat file to contentate all the PTFS to 1 file. 



Use the Utility CA Concatenate to copy all the PTFs to 1 file.

This is how to do it.

  • Put your new PTF zip file( into a new directory.
  • unzip the ptfs to the new directory.

For instruction on how to download the CA Concatenate utility 

Install CA Concatenate and use this utility to merge the files in the PTF directorty.