On the settings page of the Story Hierarchy app, why is a simple query (name contains “Hola World”) not finding any User Stories?
User Stories that meet this condition do exist, however, if User Stories are parented by Features they will not display in the Story Hierarchy app; rather, the Portfolio Hierarchy app must be used to show those stories.
Please note that in both apps the query conditions will only apply to User Stories in the Story Hierarchy app and the selected portfolio type in the Portfolio Hierarchy app. The query conditions do not apply to child objects.
For more information on these apps visit the help pages:
· Story Hierarchy app; https://techdocs.broadcom.com/us/en/ca-enterprise-software/agile-development-and-management/rally-platform-ca-agile-central/rally/extending-rally-with-apps/using-rally-apps/app-catalog/story-hierarchy.html
· Portfolio Hierarchy app; https://techdocs.broadcom.com/us/en/ca-enterprise-software/agile-development-and-management/rally-platform-ca-agile-central/rally/extending-rally-with-apps/using-rally-apps/app-catalog/portfolio-hierarchy.html