Licenses will expire in (x) days displays in console even if new licenses are applied
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Licenses will expire in (x) days displays in console even if new licenses are applied


Article ID: 163155


Updated On:


Ghost Solution Suite


A new and unexpired license is applied to Ghost Solution Suite but warnings are still displayed about pending expiring license/s


GSS 3.3


The new license file is appended to the current licenses and the message displayed will disappear when the trial license period expires.

At that point, they become invalid and only the new license count will be displayed in the console.


Workaround Solution:

1) Create new folder called "Old Licenses" in <installated Drive>:\Program Files (x86)\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\

2) Move all expired licenses out of the "Licenses" folder and into the "Old Licenses" folder, leaving only the valid/unexpired license file in "Licenses" folder

3) Restart the Altiris eXpress Server Service

4) Check the GSS Console under the 'Help>About', that the message is gone and the license count is correct