When attempting to scan a specific folder in the Documentum Docbase
In the Job0.log we see the query specifies the folder in the query ( FOLDER ('/specificfolder', DESCEND ) but the resulting list is 0 whereas without the folder name 49 documents are returned:
23/03/2016 11:30:49: Job0: Requesting document list ...
23/03/2016 11:30:49: Job0: [SELECT *, keywords, authors, subject, title, i_contents_id, a_storage_type, i_cabinet_id, r_lock_machine, r_modifier, r_content_size, r_page_cnt, i_is_deleted FROM dm_document WHERE ( ( object_name LIKE '%.ppt' ) OR ( object_name LIKE '%.pptx' ) OR ( object_name LIKE '%.xlsx' ) OR ( object_name LIKE '%.docx' ) OR ( object_name LIKE '%.doc' ) OR ( object_name LIKE '%.txt' ) OR ( object_name LIKE '%.rtf' ) OR ( object_name LIKE '%.odt' ) OR ( object_name LIKE '%.pdf' ) OR ( object_name LIKE '%.xls' ) OR ( object_name LIKE '%.csv' ) OR ( object_name LIKE '%.ini' ) OR ( object_name LIKE '%.html' ) OR ( object_name LIKE '%.xml' ) OR ( object_name LIKE '%.jpg' ) OR ( object_name LIKE '%.zip' ) OR ( object_name LIKE '%.rar' ) OR ( object_name LIKE '%.7z' ) OR ( object_name LIKE '%.tar' ) OR ( object_name LIKE '%.gz' ) OR ( object_name LIKE '' ) ) AND ( FOLDER ('/specificfolder', DESCEND ) ) ORDER BY 1]
23/03/2016 11:30:49: Job0: Success: 0 Documentum document(s) returned in list.
The problem is that the Scanner does not recognise the folder.
One mush specify the Cabinet in front of the folder name, for example in your VontuDocumentumScanner.cfg you would have the following:
FolderCSVs= /CompanyStructure/Finance, /CompanyStructure/HR
where /CompanyStructure is the cabinet, and Finance and HR are the folders.
If there is a space in your Cabinet or folder name you will need to surround it with double quotes like this:
FolderCSVs= "/Company Structure/Finance", "/Company Structure/Human Resources"