You need to uninstall and reinstall Ghost Solution Suite from its server.
Below are the steps that need to be taken and in what order.
Reinstallation may fail if a prior uninstall was not performed in the correct order or if the server was not rebooted after uninstall. Symptoms include installations that freeze up and fail to progress.
Reinstallations that complete after improperly uninstalling can also lead to missing components.
GSS 3.x
There are a variety of reasons you may wish to uninstall or reinstall Ghost Solution Suite, including but not limited to:
BEFORE proceeding with an uninstall/reinstall, backup your Image Files - if you store them under the default eXpress share location, you must move them to a different location or they will be deleted. Step 4 of this process will direct you to delete the entire Ghost Solution Suite file structure.
Steps to Uninstall GSS:
NOTE: In some instances, a more thorough removal may be required. Please see the attached PDF for additional manual removal steps.