Unable to install/Uninstall Task Server on Notification Server
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Unable to install/Uninstall Task Server on Notification Server


Article ID: 161850


Updated On:


IT Management Suite Client Management Suite


Task server stops working after uninstalling Altiris client agent from the Notification Server.

You will see error code 1722 in windows event log and the installation failed with the error message:

Error "1722 There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected.
Contact your support personnel or package vendor".


Windows Installer Error 1720: 'There is a problem with this Windows installer package' during installation/uninstallation.


Issue occurs mostly when people uninstall Altiris client agent from the Notification Server without uninstalling plug-ins first.


Please follow the steps here:

  1. Make sure that the Symantec Management Agent is installed on the same drive where your Notification Server is installed.
  2. You need to uninstall the task server and task server handler from the server for this you can use a third-party tool like myuninstaller which is good in a way that it will show you the details of the plug-in and you can select them and uninstall.
  3. Once uninstall is done please follow the instructions below to re-install the task server.

Steps to follow:

  • Clean-Up Task Management Component using Application clean-up tool such as ‘myuninstaller’
  • Remove the task server agent using the taskserversetup.exe
  • Reinstall Task Management component using the following command line: Msiexec /i “%ProgramFiles%/Altiris/SymantecInstallationManager\Installs\Altiris\altiris_taskmanagement_7_5_SP1_x64.msi skipaim=1"
  • Send Basic Inventory and run full membership update 
  • Reinstall the task server agent using the following command line: "TaskServerSetup_x64.exe –a /ALL:a /qb /REBOOT=ReallySuppress"
  • Send Basic Inventory and run full membership update
  • Restart the server

If it fails to install/uninstall and giving you error message like above please  do  the following thing manually. In the registry search for Task Server under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products". Find the key/s, export them (just in case) then delete the key then browse to the folder "<drive>:\ProgramFiles\Altiris\Altiris agent\TaskManagement" and remove this folder and also remove client task server folder.

After you delete all the keys run the installer again and it should complete successfully.