How is it possible to destroy or delete several models in bulk in the SpectroSERVER without using OneClick?
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How is it possible to destroy or delete several models in bulk in the SpectroSERVER without using OneClick?


Article ID: 16175


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


Customer has several models from type SharedMediaLink that need to be destroyed from SSdb. They tried via OneClick and also via vnmsh CLI. The same result was always seen.  After the destroy process is started there is high cpu utilization and the SpectroSERVER could not be clearly shutdown. 

How is possible to destroy and delete several models in bulk without impacting on SpectroSERVER?




1. Open a case with Broadcom Support to obtain the SSdebug executable for your Spectrum version. 

2. Put the SSdebug executable in the SS directory on the SS in the <SPECROOT>/SS directory (change the permissions to be executable if need be). 

3. With the SpectroSERVER still running, execute the following command in CLI:

cd <SPECROOT>/vnmsh


./show models mth=<specify_the_model_type> | awk '{print "delete " $1}' > 

4. Move the file to the SS directory. 

5. Save your SSdb.

6. Stop the SpectroSERVER. If it does not stop, you will need to crash the SS and reload your SSdb from either step #5 or from a previous SSdb savefile. 

7. Navigate to the SS directory in a bash shell. 

8. Execute the following command to mark the models for deletion: 

./SSdebug -database -play model.OUT 

9. Start the SpectroSERVER 

10. The VNM.OUT will note that the models have been marked for deletion.

11. The SS cpu will spike to 100% while it deletes the models. This is normal and could take many hours (we have typically found that it takes approximately 1 hour for every 75000 models).