Error: The computer is running on an unsupported operating system and cannot be registered as a Task Server.
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Error: The computer is running on an unsupported operating system and cannot be registered as a Task Server.


Article ID: 161711


Updated On:


Task Server


Error "The computer is running on unsupported operating system and cannot be registered as Task Server." is present in the log files.

Task Servers will not register clients

Task Server will not bind to ports The computer is running on unsupported operating system and cannot be registered as Task Server.


ITMS 8.x


This is due to the client task server having an older version of client task server and they are attempting to register as a task server. The client itself is an unsupported OS for the new client task server version.


Please review the release notes for the SMP version that you are on to see what operating systems are supported as task servers.

Client Task services will need to be removed from unsupported OSs and moved to a client with a supported OS.

Starting from IT Management version 7.6, task server cannot be installed to Windows XP and Windows 2003 operating system.  Please refer to the Platform Support Matrix for the currently supported operating systems for client task services.