To trigger an email to be encrypted with Email Policy Based Encryption Z, a Data policy must be defined.
To define an encryption rule
Select Services > Data Protection > Data Protection.
Click the New Policy from Template button.
From the list select the PBE Z that matches your situtation (Pull or Push and US or EU) then click Create.
Click on the newly created rule to edit it, you will need to change the last portion of the administrator address from "" to actually be your domain.
Click Save.
Click the Activate button for the new rule when you are ready for it to be active. Note that it will take 45 minutes to one hour to propagate from this point.
Please note that you can make changes to the rule meet your organization's needs; however, all encryption rules MUST specify a recipient user group condition in order to create the required header information.
To encrypt emails that are sent anyone outside the organization, a dummy group is used for this condition and the rule triggers as long as the recipient is not the dummy address. Do not remove this condition unless you are replacing it with a different User Group condition.