You have noticed that the Messaging Gateway cannot deliver some outbound emails. These emails stay in the delivery queue with the message "421 4.4.0 [internal] failed to connect: no mail servers for this domain could be reached at this time."
Message Audit Log shows:
Error 421 4.4.0 [internal] failed to connect: no mail servers for this domain could be reached at this time.
Attempted Delivery to: default-non-local-route
Delivery queue shows:
Route: default-non-local-route
Last error: Error 421 4.4.0 [internal] failed to connect: no mail server for this domain could be reached at this time.
This message may be caused by a number of different situations. Some typical examples are:
To investigate this issue:
Confirm SMTP connectivity to the destination mail server / domain:
A telnet test from the SMG admin command line may be used to confirm whether SMG is able to connect to the destination mail server. Please see Troubleshoot email delivery issues using telnet for a detailed description of how to test SMTP connectivity and delivery via the telnet command.
Confirm that the SMG IP / interface for non-local mail in Administration > Configuration > host > SMTP > Advanced Settings > Delivery > Delivery bindings can connect to the internet:
See SMTP advanced settings for delivery bindings.
Applies to
For complete details on how to test mail delivery issues, reference the section, "Outbound messages in the delivery queue are not being delivered" in the document, Troubleshoot email delivery issues using telnet
It can also be that there is connectivity but the target server is replaying back "please try again later". It is advised to check if reputation for the sender domain is not blacklisted.