OPatch 130 error while applying the CPU patch
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OPatch 130 error while applying the CPU patch


Article ID: 160702


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Data Loss Prevention Enforce Data Loss Prevention Oracle Standard Edition 2


In the course of applying a CPU patch to Oracle, OPatch throws an error 130 and exits.  This is in conjunction with attempting to get beyond the Oracle Configuration Management section of OPatch.


Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM) is is used to collect client configuration information and upload it to the Oracle repository.  It requires a metalink ID and Oracle Customer Support Identifier (CSI), both of which Broadcom does not provide to customers of Oracle Standard Edition, as Broadcom/Symantec is responsible for providing its customers with Oracle Standard Edition support with their Data Loss Prevention product. By not declining OCM appropriately, OPatch will wait for a valid username and CSI to connect to Oracle, and will throw a 130 error if null or invalid.

If during the Oracle Standard Edition install, anything comes up prompting you to provide Oracle with information such as the CSI, you are to opt out.  Oracle setup may ask if you agree to the license statement (for OCM), and if you say “yes”, you are on the path to installing OCM.  Broadcom Symantec DLP customers are advised to NOT agree to the license to avoid getting the Opatch 130 error.