The temporary files created by Endpoint Agent
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The temporary files created by Endpoint Agent


Article ID: 160515


Updated On: 10-11-2021


Data Loss Prevention Endpoint Prevent Data Loss Prevention


The temporary files created by the Symantec Data Loss Prevention Endpoint Agent are listed in the following table.


Agent Temp File Extension Location Rationale Related features Frequency
.VEP Agent installation directory, temp folder These files are actually copies of original files created to facilitate content scanning by endpoint agent. Local Disk Monitoring For each scan request
. acv, .shv Agent installation directory, temp folder In case an application opens the file in exclusive mode or access violation, Agent creates a local copy of the original file for scanning.

Number of files can be limited by configuring under advanced agent settings.
All features Only in special cases
<Uuid>.tmp User specific temporary directory Outlook and Lotus Notes attachments are saved locally on the disk so that agent could scan these files. Outlook or Lotus notes For each scan request involved in attachment scan
.dlp User specific temporary directory These files are created for submitting text based content to the Agent while monitoring various applications. Normally, the file size is very small. Clipboard, Print/FAX, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Outlook, Lotus Notes For each scan request
<no extention> Agent installation directory, buffer folder Detection text extraction/Sub file extraction from the container files like .Zip. All features For each scan request involved in file scan request
.snp Agent installation directory, temp folder Snapshot files created for taking backup of existing files so as to restore them in case of prevent action. Can disable .snp file creation by toggling the setting in the Advanced Settings page (change it to 0). Removable Media, Network Share  If existing file is being overwritten